Lore Codex
Welcome to the Lore Codex, a repository of my Flight Rising lore. This is a major work in progress so don't look at it pls.
Major Factions

Element: Plague
The Order of Unquenchable Bloodthirst, led by Demontius the Blessed. Blood-drinkers, plague-spreaders, bone-wearers, and generally fanatic followers of the Plaguebringer, dwelling in a stone citadel in the inner Rotrock Rim. Consists of four sub-factions: Contagion, Blood, Blight, and Death.

Element: Lightning
A megacorporation led by Nexus and Mech Morphix; Nexus is the central core in charge of the facility, and Morphix is the CEO in charge of public affairs. The company focuses on development and manufacturing of robots, cybernetic implants and prosthetics, artificial intelligence, and mutagenic body modifications. The N.M.E. HQ is located in a semi-underground facility, built into the face of a mesa in the Lightning Farm.

Element: Nature/Fire
A remote, unmapped volcanic island in a state of eternal autumn. The domain of Adaenur the Harvestwatcher, a minor deity of harvest and rebirth. Home to Adaenur's harvest priests, and a peaceful sanctuary for stranded sailors, runaways, and pretty much anyone; Adaenur welcomes all under her wing.
Minor Factions

Element: Fire
A quaint forge by the Everfall Isle's active volcano, owned by Greathill and Borealis Sootstorm. Spiritual successor to the Sootstorms' first clan, the Lambda Forge, which had fallen to a mind-twisting plague.

Element: Arcane
The ruins of an ancient Second Age shrine, hidden deep within the Starwood Strand. In the center stands a great tree warped by arcane energies, and from its roots emanates a mysterious crystalline voice. A number of dragons have settled here, drawn to the Crystal Voice's call.

Element: Light
A sha'draan dimensional ship and observatory somewhere in Sornieth orbit, dedicated to the near-infinite staaru. Home to the sha'draan, as well as a number of draconic followers sworn to the Light of the staaru, some reforged into nebulous forms that shield the vessel from the Shade.

Element: blue
An azure-marble city in a star-woven blue dimension. do i have an unhealthy obsession with Struggle: Antaresian Legacy and hoarding dragons named Antares? not at all no sir