My Doom Stuff
I'm an aspiring Doom modder, with focus on the graphical side of things because I'm bad at actually making maps that play good. Nevertheless I've released a few maps throughout my Doom history. and by a few i do mean only a few.

Doom II | Boom format | MAP01 | UV only | DW thread
A somewhat slaughtery hell-themed map with a few easter eggs. Borderline experimental combat if you can call it combat. Technically not a final version, so enjoy at your own risk.

Doom II | Boom format | MAP01 | UV tested, other difficulties present but janky | DW thread
"you are stranded on an asteroid by the name of Icannar, and thanks to some nukage-related incidents, demons have taken over the local UAC techbase's nukage processing facility. shoot the demons and find a way to escape this miserable space rock."
A modern day remake of icannar.wad, my first ever released map. Now with brand new map (and nukage) flow, actual combat, a touch of custom textures, and 100% more forklift.

Doom II | UDMF (GZDoom) | MAP01 | UV tested, other difficulties present but janky | DW thread
"While visiting Daisy in bunny heaven, Doomguy decides to stop by in doggy heaven and see what's up. Unbeknownst to him, Hell got there first."
A tribute to my beloved doggy Ron, in the form of a map that straddles a fine line between an early zdoom jokewad and a deep dive into grief and trauma. Semi-lighthearted on the surface, though, with talking dog NPCs and all that.

Doom II | Boom format | MAP01 | UV only | DW thread
"you've escaped the nuclear plant! what you didn't expect was the demon bastards shooting up your ride. your shuttle crashlands near a UAC mining complex, and you're back to step 1 of your escape plan: shoot your way through and find a way to leave. however, there's something about the mining complex that may reveal the cause of this invasion..."
The sequel to the Hell on Icannar nuclear plant remake, set between it and the aforementioned boat wad.
WIP Projects
These might or might not ever see the light of day. Most my projects don't because they don't have maps. Maybe someday, when these get enough assets, i'm gonna hire a mapper.....maybe.

Doom II | GZDoom | conversion of some sort
a forever-work-in-progress survival horror TC being built atop Hideous Destructor. current status: stuck on the backburner. several sets of texture themes are mostly done. spritework is a big work in progress; player/enemy/weapon sprites are very not done but most decoration replacements are. finally settled on a palette, even though it's just for aesthetics since using hdest as a framework forces the unpaletted hardware renderer.