The Maltiverse

Pet Sites


Born in1996
Genderfemale but not entirely (she/her or they/them are fine)
OccupationDigital Artist
Gamer (PC)


This is the 100% guaranteed PG version of my about page for purposes of linking on kid-friendly sites. Explore the rest of the site at your own risk; PG-13 and up content may be present.

About Me

I'm Mal, a '96-born cybergoth overlord and sweater cowboy who loves playing retro FPS, drinking gallons of energy drink, romancing robot villains, and generally existing upon this earth. I'm an artist who studied graphic design for a few years, and I specialize in sketching, pixel art, low-effort MSPaint scribbles, and occasional painting. Aside from visual arts I also like to dabble in music and writing but they're not my primary skill.

so uh yeah hi lol


I'm an FPS addict who grew up on classic Doom and its clones, but my videogame tastes also include things like System Shock, TES4: Oblivion, Jazz Jackrabbit, Bejeweled, etc. I'm exclusively a PC gamer but I don't hate consoles or anything, I just didn't grow up with them and my gamepad controls are abysmal.

Regarding music, I'm a pretty big fan of Amaranthe, Circle of Dust, Sabaton, and metal in general. I also enjoy videogame OSTs, the occasional techno nightcore, and honestly pretty much anything.

I'm also a shameless pet site enthusiast and an official artist for The Final Outpost, and I make cool robot skins on Flight Rising. I do have accounts on other petsites like DC, DV, CS and a few more, but I'm no longer active on those.

And in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm a big fan of orange. #F90 to be precise.

(c) 2021-2024 Malcorium || hosted on neocities yay